Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Chronicles: Homeschool Scheduling

When I first started homeschooling my biggest worry was fitting the subjects in, if I was doing each subject justice, and was I pushing too hard or not hard enough with the work we had to do. This year, after hearing from MamaJenn and friends who also homeschool we decided to use My Father's World curriculum.

Here's our typical day in the life of our homeschooling family:

6:00 am - Nurse the baby, give some swing time, shower, pray & read (quickly)

7:00 am - Get boys up, if not already up, and make breakfast (boys groom themselves and tidy up room before coming to breakfast)

7:30 am - Breakfast together, put baby down for sleep time

8:15 am - School begins with devotion (the boys have devotion books and consider this time for them to develop their relationship with the Creator alone)

8:25 am - Bible lesson

8:45 am - Calendar time (we cover today, tomorrow, and yesterday, flat and solid shapes, counting to 100 by 1's, 5's, 3's, 10's, and 2's, adding and subtracting, telling time, and counting money - this week I add measurement practice)

9:00 am - time to nurse again

9:15 am - Journaling (the boys each write to a prompt from The Mailbox 730 Journal Prompts book. I adjust the suggested prompts to match their grade level.)

9:25 am - Handwriting, baby wake time is tummy time, singing songs, activity mat)

9:35 am - Spelling / Reading Block (Here we alternate activities, as they are each at different levels and have different activities to complete. I switch between the two until we do listening comprehension, which is the last activity of the reading block)

10:30 am - Put baby down for sleep time

10:40 am - Language, break for water / snack

11:00 am - Math (We use Singapore Math, it's fun. One of them does book basket {My Father's World} while I work one on one with the other then they switch places.)

12:00 pm - Nurse baby

12:15 pm - Lunch / free playtime, baby wake time

1:00 pm - Social Studies

2:00 pm - Science

2:30 pm - Put baby down for sleep time

*Science and social studies are not necessarily completed every day. Also, some days we add in PE with dad, music or art with mom, and field trips. On field trip days we do everything up to the reading block before we leave.

The rest of the day is full of all sorts of stuff, like cleaning, reading, watching documentaries, making paper soldiers, robots, cars, and playing with Lego's (most popular). The boys have chores and they work on completing them as needed. I use a three hour schedule to keep the baby content, but sometimes it's a little off. This is a basic sketch of our day, but any number of things could happen differently. It takes a long time to get a good, solid schedule in tact so if you're just beginning the road to homeschooling or if you're a pro who just wants a change, this is an outline that works for us.

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